Vietnamese Straight 8A 3 Bundle Deal
Deal includes: three bundles/four bundles
Vietnamese Remy Hair
natural virgin hair color
Single drawn
can be styled with heat
double machine weft
- Delivered today (order Mon-Fri before 12:00, delivery between 17:00 and 22:00)
- Including shipping costs, sent by
- Pick up at a collection point is possible
- 30 days to change your mind and free returns
- Day and night customer service
Vietnamese Remy Collection
- Can be lifted to 27 blonde but we do not recommend bleaching Remy hair
- Machine Weft
- 3.5-3.8 oz per bundle
- Grade 8A
- Natural Black
- Slightly processed human hair
- Can be curled, straightened
- Can last up to 6 months to a year with proper care, can be reused.
A: The amount of hair you need for a full head depends on your preference and the length you want. We generally use the rule below:
12″ – 14″ 2 Bundles
16″ – 22″ 3 Bundles
24″ – 30″ 4-5 Bundles
Double your longest length when purchasing hair longer than 24″ so that you have a full bottom. For example, 24×1, 26×1, 28×2. Sometimes you will need 5 bundles for a very full sew-in. Closures will not substitute the amount of bundles you will need. Frontals may reduce the amount of bundles depending on your length.
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